Thursday 22 August 2013

Importance of making others HAPPY

Every individual living in this world has his own way of living. The methods of talking, writing, understanding things, tastes and hobbies all differ in different persons. Everyone is unique. One of the major uniqueness is the evaluating and estimating power of humans. It also differs in different individuals. The major evaluation one must do is about his goals and way of living. We must constantly examine our life whether or not it is according to the will of God. Many people do not even have an aim in life. Many have selfish ambitions which are of no use to anyone. Our purpose should do be to do the will of our Father Who is in heaven, to experience His love and presence daily and to have goals that can be fruitful in the spiritual realm and arena.

So, what according to you can be one such goal? The primary responsibility of God in keeping us in this world is to share our happiness to others through our potentials and talents. Yes, God wants us to ignite happiness in others. But how do we do this? Can we do this by gifting them 10,000 Rupees or a LCD TV? Can we do it by praising them to make them boast about themselves? You know the answer. It can only be done by helping them in their times of need, by correcting them in their mistakes, by praying for them, by being ever ready to warn them in times when dangers are suspected, by encouraging them to come out of wrongs whenever they realize it, by being a motivation and inspiration to them. The most important thing is to hand over all their life's issues to the One Who is able to keep them in perfect holiness, has a caring purpose for them and can handle their weaknesses and problems in the greatest way. To do this, we need to be filled with the love of God. Where there is agape (love of God), there is life. This love fills us with compassion towards those who are in sorrow and fills an enthusiasm in us to make them be happy.

Our goals must be for the happiness of others. If through our goals, others get no benefit, we show our true selfish nature. I mean, whatever things we are good in, we must utilize them for the welfare and benefit of others. The importance of making others happy is quite simple and clear to understand. It makes us live a life of lasting impact, others enjoy our company and we become respectable in their eyes. Most importantly, we gain the honour from God who sees our hearts' purposes. Happiness may not delete all problems, but it will strengthen the hopes of our dear ones in times of trouble. In midst of crisis they will know that they are not alone and helpless but that God's love has reached them through us. This is the importance of the topic we are reading now, this is the importance of life. The world must see a change, a fine drastic change in those who call themselves children of God. A change of heart to understand others and consider them better than ourselves, a changed life which forgives others repeatedly, continuously and without end, a life which realizes the needs of other people. Let us pray to God to speak in the hearts of those who call themselves Christians but are unwilling to spread happiness. On the day when God answers our prayers, mankind will change from inside, many will know what divine happiness is and enjoy the leading of God even in midst of impossibilities. They will know that true meaning of life is in the heart and not in what luxuries we have or not have. When a famine comes in their area and other locality provides them with not-so tasty food, they will not complain, but will thank God for keeping them alive and also thank the people who gave them food. If a friend cannot give (as he has nothing) material things, yet he can give love. Love does not always need to give, love itself is the gift. 

Are you enjoying a blessed life today by being a channel of happiness to others? Do others see the mind of God in your words and deeds? God's agape love is revealed through His children. Let God change our hearts, let us make others HAPPY.

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